Publications of the Bioethics Commission
Recommendations and opinions
The Climate Crisis as an Ethical Challenge (PDF, 345 KB)
Opinion of the Austrian Bioethics Commission, 23 May 2022
20th Anniversary of the Austrian Bioethics Commission (PDF, 172 KB)
Opinion of the Austrian Bioethics Commission, 21 June 2021
A pandemic is not a private matter (PDF, 65 KB)
Opinion of the Austrian Bioethics Commission, 27 October 2021
Vaccination against COVID-19 as a prerequisite for practicing a medical or healthcare profession (PDF, 55 KB)
Opinion of the Austrian Bioethics Commission, 4 May 2021
Legal and ethical issues in connection with people who have been vaccinated or who have recovered from infection during the COVID-19 pandemic (PDF, 190 KB)
Opinion of the Austrian Bioethics Commission, 19 April 2021
Ethical questions about vaccination against COVID-19 (PDF, 302 KB)
Opinion of the Austrian Bioethics Commission, 25 November 2020
Influenza vaccine supply for the Austrian population in the 2020/21 season (PDF, 63 KB)
Recommendation of the Austrian Bioethics Commission, 19 October 2021
Contact tracing in the COVID-19 pandemic (PDF, 189 KB)
Opinion of the Austrian Bioethics Commission, 8 June 2020
Vaccination against diseases for which there are approved vaccines in times of the COVID-19 pandemic (PDF, 57 KB)
Recommendation of the Austrian Bioethics Commission, 8 June 2020
The work of physicians at the interface of big data, artificial intelligence and human experience (PDF, 505 KB)
Opinion of the Austrian Bioethics Commission, 18 May 2020
Management of scarce resources in healthcare in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic (PDF, 113 KB)
Opinion of the Austrian Bioethics Commission, 31 March 2020
Medicine and Economics (PDF, 389 KB)
Opinion of the Austrian Bioethics Commission, 14 February 2018
Robots in the Care of Older People (PDF, 210 KB)
Opinion of the Austrian Bioethics Commission, 14 February 2018
Intersexuality and Transidentity (PDF, 425 KB)
Opinion of the Austrian Bioethics Commission, 20 November 2017
Participatory Medicine and the Internet (PDF, 549 KB)
Opinion of the Austrian Bioethics Commission, 6 July 2015
Vaccination – Ethical Aspects (PDF, 454 KB)
Opinion of the Austrian Bioethics Commission, 1 June 2015
Dying with dignity (PDF, 472 KB)
Recommendations on assistance and care for persons in end-of-life situations and related issues
Opinion of the Austrian Bioethics Commission, 9 February 2015
Research on persons without the capacity to consent—with special consideration of the concept of risk (English version starts on page 32) (PDF, 515 KB)
Opinion of the Austrian Bioethics Commission, Austrian Federal Chancellery, 3 June 2013
Reform of the Reproductive Medicine Act (English version starts on page 76) (PDF, 1 MB)
Opinion of the Austrian Bioethics Commission, 2 July 2012
Terminology of medical decisions in end of life situation (English version starts on page 15) (PDF, 2 MB)
Recommendations of the Austrian Bioethics Commission, 27 June 2011
Amendments to Biobanks for Medical Research (English version starts on page 10) (PDF, 1 MB)
Amendments to the Bioethics Commission Report of May 2007, 14 March 2011
Codification of Legislation on Medical Research (English version starts on page 46) (PDF, 954 KB)
Opinion of the Austrian Bioethics Commission, 10 January 2011
Genetic and Genome-Wide Testing on Internet (English version starts on page 19) (PDF, 1 MB)
Report of the Austrian Bioethics Commission, 10 May 2010
Assistive Technologies Ethical Aspects of the Development and Use of Assistive Technologies (English version starts on page 24) (PDF, 310 KB)
Opinion of the Austrian Bioethics Commission, 13 July 2009
Research on Human Embryonic Stem Cells (English version starts on page 43) (PDF, 1 MB)
Opinion of the Austrian Bioethics Commission, 16 March 2009
Recommendations with Gender Reference for Ethics Committees and Clinical Studies (PDF, 91 KB)
Opinion of the Bioethics Commission at the Federal Chancellery, 15 November 2008
Report of the Bioethics Commission regarding Umbilical Cord Blood Banking (PDF, 96 KB)
Ruling of the Bioethics Commission at the Federal Chancellery, 19 May 2008
Nanotechnology A Catalogue of Ethical Problems and Recommendations (PDF, 40 KB)
Ruling of the Bioethics Commission at the Federal Chancellery, 13 June 2007
Biobanks for Medical Research (PDF, 122 KB)
Opinion of the Bioethics Commission at the Federal Chancellery, 9 May 2007
Arguments Concerning the Debate "The Child as a case of damage" Prompted by Divergent Decisions of the Supreme Court (PDF, 61 KB)
Ruling of the Bioethics Commission at the Federal Chancellery, 18 April 2007
Report Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PDF, 248 KB)
Report of the Bioethics Commission at the Federal Chancellery, July 2004
Statement on the Draft Federal Legislation to Amend the Law Regulating Reproductive Medicine (FMedG) (Amendment to FMedG 2004) of 10 March 2004 (PDF, 20 KB)
Resolution of the Bioethics Commission at the Federal Chancellery, 10 March 2004
Interim Report on so-called reproductive cloning with regard to a detailed opinion on the application of human cloning, embryo protection and embryo research, preimplantation diagnosis as well as additional issues concerning reproductive medicine (PDF, 16 KB)
Decision of the Bioethics Commission at the Federal Chancellery, 12 February 2003
Opinion of the Bioethics Commission on the Issue of Stem Cell Research in the context of the EU’s Sixth Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration Activities as a Contribution towards the Realization of the European Research Area (2002 -2006) (PDF, 22 KB)
Decision of the Bioethics Commission at the Federal Chancellery, 3 April and 8 May 2002
Opinion of the Bioethics Commission on the Issue of National Implementation of the Council Directive 98/44/EC on the legal protection of biotechnological inventions (PDF, 20 KB)
Decision of the Bioethics Commission at the Federal Chancellery, 6 March 2002
Concerning the recommendation for Austria’s accession to the Biomedicine Convention of the Council of Europe (PDF, 33 KB)
Decision of the Bioethics Commission at the Federal Chancellery, 11 February 2002