European libraries and bookshops
The European Commission Library was set up in 1957, at the same time as the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom). The library provides a comprehensive survey of the history of European integration, from its origins to the present day. The holdings of the EC Library are accessible through the library search engine "Find-eR". As a European Documentation Center, the Administrative Library is generally entitled to interlibrary loans free of charge. eBooks and eJournals can be requested in excerpts if available. For more information, please see the linked terms of use. If you are interested in an interlibrary loan, please contact
Publications from the European Community institutions, bodies and other authorities can be accessed via the EU Bookshop. Publications can be researched, ordered and, for the most part, downloaded as full texts free of charge. In addition, an online catalog and an archive of all EU publications are also available via the EU Bookshop.