Media Corner 2021/22

Kofi Annan Award Headerbild

Press releases: Kofi Annan Award 2021/22 (SDG 3)


IUFE #186: Kofi Annan Award for Innovation in Africa – IUFE-Podcast 'zukunftsrezepte' | Podcast auf Spotify


Photos and Illustrations

Portrait of Kofi Annan, Seventh Secretary-General of United Nations, appointed to a second term of office, beginning on 1 January 2002 and ending 31 December 2006
Portrait of Secretary-General Kofi Annan, appointed to a second term of office, beginning on 1 January 2002 and ending 31 December 2006. photo: Sergey Bermeniev / United Nations Photo
WPF Innovation Bootcamp 2020/2021. Photo credit: WFP Innovation Accelerator
Impression from a Bootcamp (2020, Germany). photo: World Food Programme
Process scheme
Infographic: Programme phases and timeline
what we offer, as described below
Infographic: Benefits for finalists

Download (2021/22)


Antonella Mei-Pochtler introduces: Kofi Annan Award Africa - Meet our finalists 2021

Antonella Mei-Pochtler stellt den Kofi Annan Award for Innovation in Africa vor, 2021